Monday, June 22, 2009

love (?)

yup ! i think love is really strange, many fell in that name ! people always talk bout love. even idon't think i really know this fell . love is bout 'when you meet someone, lo tuh bisa ngerasa nyaman, santai, bisa jadi diri lo sendiri, dan yg penting... lo bs percaya sama dia !'
yg jelas cinta bkn cuman yg bisa lo bawa2 lo pamerin kemana2 yg bisa lo taro di status facebook/myspace !. yeah gue benci bgtbgtbgt sama org yg kayak gt ! bisanya cm mainin perasaan org doang ! huff kyknya gue cucol nih ? 'i need to know what's in your mind,' kata adhitya sofyan(one of my fave inspiration singer). yup tapi sadis juga ya misalnya lo putus cinta sampe despreate gt. ih yaAllah untung gue blm pernah kyk gitu ! jangan sampe deh. tapi entah knp, i prefer with the 'playboy' type or 'metrosexual' type. maybe because itu tantangan tersendiri buat gue hahaha, tapi itu tadi yg pntng bisa bikin gue nyaman, percaya, yg jelas dia harus sayang tulus sm gue mihihi :3. anyway, back to the topic yeah, ehmm 'even if you soo far away you're so close to me,' gt kata penyiar prambors mihihi :3, yeah love is blind, no mater where you from, no mater who are you, no mater if you older than me , i just love you !!
Yup gue sendiri lbh suka cowo yg older than me, maybe karna kelihatan dewasa bisa ngertiin gue dan nyambung kali ya ? so that's all yeah blog, udah midnight nih, byebye love you reader and my blogie walkie talkie lovely !

'maybe you must to let her/him go not because you don't love her/him anymore it because to see is that she/he care enough about you to come back to you?,'caesar prambors(love him )

now playing : L.O.V.E - nat king cole

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